A Japanese community’s motto is "Extend
healthy life expectancy by having fun." How does that look? Are
our older community members able to have fun? What would enable
an older person to have fun? Independence. Mobility. Painfree movement. Sense
of purpose. Community involvement. All of these work. Layden Chiropractic
offers Plainville chiropractic care to keep our community’s
older members healthy and prepared to have fun!
The Japanese society is noteworthy as it looks
at the trend toward an older society and what that entails
for how the society will work, how medical care will have to evolve,
how services will evolve to meet people where they are. Community
efforts go a long way to enrich and improve the quality
of life for people. The Japanese community
– Anamizu “a town know for the good health and long life” of its 8600 residents
because 45.4% of them are over 65 years old – hosted
well-received health classes via pharmacies. (1) Kobe City’s pharmacists
came together to do health workshops and establish pharmacies as community health centers. They talked about
exercise to improve activities of daily living, disease
definition, nutrition, health counseling, and bone density measurement. All
these efforts were designed to create
awareness of how to live a better, healthier life and in return a
longer life expectancy. (2) Layden Chiropractic recognizes that change can be good.
Influential changes are the birth and death
rates of a country as they alter its structure. In Japan, such
trends are followed closely. Its aging population is growing rapidly.
The over-age 65 years group in 2013 was 25%; in 2025
it’s expected to be 30%, and in 2060 to be 39.9%. The 75-year-old and over group in 2013 was 12.3% and estimated to be 26.9%
in 2060. This aging group forms what researchers term a
“super-aged” society. With aging, there
are different healthcare challenges for the people and their healthcare
providers and healthcare system. Researchers report that a shift
in medical thought from “cure-seeking” to “cure and support seeking” is required to maximize the patient’s quality of life. A shift from
hospital centered care to community centered care is also called
for. Collaboration among healthcare providers particularly
those who help people stay in their own homes as
they age is required. (3) Collaboration is required.
Chiropractors collaborate for the good of their patients, especially
Plainville back pain patients. Chiropractors excel at
co-managing conditions with family physicians, physical therapists and massage
therapists. They frequently referred older patients to
neurologists, family physicians, massage therapists, orthopedists and fellow
chiropractors. When it comes to management back pain
in older patients, 92% of chiropractors reported that they are sure of their ability to do that. (4) Chiropractic is reported
to be protective against 1-year declines in functional and self-rated
health issues for Medicare patients who suffer with spine
pain issues. Additionally, chiropractic patients have greater
satisfaction with follow up and details regarding their condition. (5) Additionally, a consensus group of
researchers concluded that chiropractic for older adult patients
is appropriate, particularly that spinal manipulation is safe,
exercise recommendations are suitable, and manipulation and
mobilization offer positive effects beyond just pain relief. (6)
Having your Plainville chiropractor at your side is beneficial
throughout your life and uniquely in your later years!
CONTACT Layden Chiropractic
Listen to this PODCAST
with Dr. Kurt Olding on The
Back Doctors Podcast with Dr. Michael Johnson as he describes
a 74-year-old lady who sought to continue being a part of her
family’s farm life. Her spinal stenosis interfered, and
Dr. Olding’s use of the Cox® Technic System intervened by creating
enough pain relief to keep involved in her life with a combination
of chiropractic manipulation, rest and exercise.
your Plainville appointment with Layden Chiropractic. Exercise recommendation,
spinal manipulation and clear communication about what is ailing
you and your spine await your arrival. Extending your
life expectancy by having fun and being busy with life is possible
when you can keep on keeping on with chiropractic’s help!