As the saying goes:
“When Harvard talks, people listen.” Yes,
that is a variation of the motto,
but Harvard’s reputation does catch people’s attention. In the
November 2017 issue of the
Health Letter, a prime report titled
“Where to turn for low back pain relief. In most cases, a
primary care doctor or chiropractor can help you resolve the problem.” discusses back pain and whom back pain sufferers should consult
for help. The Harvard recommendation is a chiropractor (like your Plainville
chiropractor at Layden Chiropractic or primary care doctor. Dr. Matthew Kowalski, a
chiropractor on staff at Harvard’s Osher Clinical Center for Integrative
Medicine at the Harvard-affiliated Brigham and Women’s Hospital, remarks
that 35% to 42% of back pain sufferers seek care from a
chiropractor for their first episode of back pain.
(1) Layden Chiropractic concurs that many of the Plainville
back pain sufferers coming for Plainville chiropractic
care do so with a first episode of Plainville back pain.
That first episode of Plainville back pain care is influential
as to how the first Plainville back pain episode goes as well as how future
back pain episodes may be controlled. The goal,
of course, would be to avert
all future Plainville back pain episodes, but that may not always be realistic.
And that is ok, too. There is control. Control of body motions
like bending, lifting and twisting. Control of body muscle like exercising what
there is (or isn’t of muscle!) to make it strong and resilient.
Control of diet to reduce inflammatory intake and
increase the intake of joint supporting
nutrients. Control is fundamental. Layden Chiropractic presents
a well-rounded Plainville treatment plan that embraces
these control factors once the current pain subsides as Harvard’s
newsletter points out, chiropractors like your Plainville chiropractor
uses hands-on spinal manipulation (particularly Cox Technic at Layden Chiropractic)
and exercise, diet and stretching programs to help
back pain. It is truly a whole-body approach!
The chiropractor as the first episode consultant
recognizes back pain and the options appropriate to
help. As Harvard’s Dr. Kowalski describes, the well-trained chiropractor (and your
Plainville chiropractor at Layden Chiropractic is!) will manage
your case. If the back pain sufferer should need another
form of care, the chiropractor will arrange
that care and appointment should that be with a neurologist,
physiatrist, physical therapist, pain management doctor, or spinal surgeon.
Chiropractors cooperate
with all types of healthcare
specialists. For back sprains/strains and herniated discs, Harvard’s health
newsletter states that “a visit to your primary care
physician or chiropractor may be all it takes to feel better.”
With that
recommendation, listen in to this PODCAST
about a patient whose care encompassed medical and
chiropractic physicians with tests, medications, and even a surgical
consultation arranged by the medical doctors as well as
chiropractic spinal manipulation (Cox Technic) to the patient’s advantage
and back pain relief assisting his effort to
avoid back surgery. Your Plainville chiropractor is your Plainville back pain specialist.
CONTACT Layden Chiropractic TODAY
Schedule a Plainville chiropractic visit
for yourself or a friend or family member when back pain is a
problem. Layden Chiropractic like many Plainville
back pain sufferers listens when Harvard talks and agrees with Harvard on an
option to relieve back pain – see your Plainville