Pain Relief with Plainville Chiropractic Care: Cox

Layden Chiropractic incorporates Cox Technic into the
Plainville treatment plan forPlainville back pain relief. Cox Technic
research shows a 17% increase in disc height in addition to the 28% increase in area and a drop in intradiscal pressures to as low as a -192 mmHg.
(1) Traction effectively raises the disc height of lower
lumbar spine discs.
(2) Layden Chiropractic recognizes the good of this
And flexion distraction (aka Cox Technic, distraction manipulation as used
in this Plainville chiropractic practice) diminishes
neuropathic pain, pain that goes into the legs that often accompanies low back pain. Neuropathic pain joining low
back pain is a pain! The fortunate thing is that non-thrust,
non-drug spinal manipulation like Cox Technic is often
used to control low back pain. Just one
month of Cox Technic, a form of chiropractic spinal manipulation, relieves
pain in chronic low back pain patients with leg pain compared to those without leg pain. Fantastic news! A
new rat study reaffirms that using Cox
Technic provides short-term pain-relief akin to that in human clinical studies. (3) That’s
why Layden Chiropractic chooses to use
it with our Plainville back pain patients!
Also, spinal manipulation affects
pain regulators in the nervous system like substance-p, neurotensin, and oxytocin
along with interleukin and cortisol (“the stress
hormone”) levels after treatment. (4) That’s a goal of Plainville
chiropractic treatment: to calm the nervous system
when it is upset by pain.
Plainville back pain relief is possible with Plainville chiropractic
care at Layden Chiropractic! Schedule an appointment today!
Plainville Chiropractic Tip of the Month: Take Calcium
“You Need It. I don’t.”
Funny how recommendations are
always for somebody else! A Canadian study shared
that, when asked, young adults knew that
calcium is important for kids and older adults but not
how critical it was for them. (5) Calcium is important
for all ages! Your Plainville chiropractor is ready to talk
just how valuable it is for you.
We look forward to your next Plainville visit soon at Layden Chiropractic!
"This information and website content is not intended to diagnose, guarantee results, or recommend specific treatment or activity. It is designed to educate and inform only. Please consult your physician for a thorough examination leading to a diagnosis and well-planned treatment strategy. See more details on the
DISCLAIMER page. Content is reviewed by
Dr. James M. Cox I."